All Media Copyright
(Creative Commons)
Joshua Halpern 2010-2024
unless otherwise noted
Watershed Witness Tour Videos
Watershed Tours Compilation ~ Song: Who Are You? by Merrill Garbus of tUnE-yArDs
Marin County local drinking water sources, spiraling around Mt. Tamalpais, August 2019.
Solo Tour of the Mighty Moke July 2018
Mokelumne Tour Summer Solstice 2017
Watershed Talks and Presentations
Watershed Witness ~ offered at Nerd Nite Oakland, March 2019. Exploring ways of reconnecting with our Bay Area drinking water sources, including the larger story of how California recently emerged from drought, from a Metamorphosis Ecologist perspective.
(Being Nests) From Our Guts, to Our Gardens, to Our Galaxies: Offered at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur 2016.
We are made up of (and nested within) other bodies. We include tiny teeming epigenetic and microbiotic tummy mates, rely on nearby neighbors to transform human-scale homescapes together, and map the ongoing long seasons of our star-shed's Laniakean kinships. Our allies are abundant.
Short Scenes
Moke Rocks
Bird Tides
What Grows in Tour Jars?
Rains Clear Fire Smoke
Duck Drops
Bay Bridges Blend
Oakland/San Leandro (Lisjan) Creek July 2019 ~ Song: Riverman Nick Drake/Trees in Our Sentences
Tuolumne Tuor May 2018
Mokelumne Tour July 2016
Precious Few and You: Love and Plans at the Mega Drought ~ Cosmology of Love Conference, CIIS, San Francisco, 2015 Joshua Halpern, fresh from his first visit to the river whose water he relies on in Berkeley, ushers us across shifting ecologies of love and reassures us to continue sowing seeds, even for hopeless harvests.
When Our Lights Fail We’ll Count Stars, When Our Aquifers Empty We’ll Drink Love: 2013 Cosmology of Love Conference at CIIS. Where do we locate love across vast scales of time and place?
Below the Reservoirs
Mountain Swim Spot
Marin Ripples
Bolinas Lagoon
Alcatraz Rains
Bothered Birds
First View: Falls
Freaky Frog
Flyover March 28, 2018
from Bay Area > through the Delta > over Camanche and Pardee Reservoirs
> across the Mokelumne River Headwaters south of Lake Tahoe